I walked out the doors of our family business, after working there for over 30 years. It was a place I loved and wanted to burn to the ground at the same time. It was my safe place and a place I had gotten comfortable. It was our family business, my job, and my identity for many years. I walked out those doors, not having a clue what I was supposed to do with my life now. I quickly saw me through the lens of the enemy, and he whispered, “what do you even have to offer the world, no one will hire you.” For many years our customers and friends told me I was creative, that I could write, paint, cook, decorate, I believed them, but they didn’t quench my thirsty soul. God had carved out time just for me, time to sit quietly with Him on this new curve in the road. That’s what I was supposed to do, be quiet with Him to see how He saw me, and what His best was for my life.
I began to strip back the lies of the world and see myself through His eyes. In the quiet, He reminded me that He was the ultimate creator and that I could dream BIG. My God would let those desires He had put in my heart take flight, through the creative gifts He instilled in me. At times, we have to shift how we use our creative gifts, put a fresh new spin on them. Friend, you were created on purpose, with gifts. Don’t believe the lie of the enemy that you are not creative. Creative doesn’t just mean painting, writing, or cooking. Creativity can be teaching, accounting, architecture, landscaping, or using your God called creativity to further His kingdom. You were born with creativity. Today, do you need to strip back the lies of the enemy to get to what His best creative life is for you?
Tara is a mama of 2 boys, married to her favorite human, and a Jesus follower. She loves meeting people exactly where they are on their walk home. She is a pie dreamer at Royers Pie Haven in Round Top, Texas and living His best dreams for her at all things acres in Brenham, Texas. She is a writer, speaker, and artist on the side ️.
1. What are you reading right now?
Made for this by Jennie Allen and 50 others.
2. What you’re loving right now?
The hope of fall.
3. What you’re watching right now?
Well, Yellowstone and waiting patiently for the next season.
4. Which attribute of God’s character you’re experiencing most right now?
This is not our home, eternity. Grace-lots of grace in the ocean I’ve been swimming in.