Be:Local events happen 1-3 times each quarter (Summer, Fall, Winter, & Spring) in the Clear Lake area of Houston, TX. These pop-up events offer women some me-time and a great opportunity to engage in local Christian community.

At Be:Local you can expect to hear a speaker or engage in a guided discussion that is gospel centered. You can also expect to eat fantastic food, be surrounded by beauty, and make some new friends. There will also always be information about local church events that you can engage in. Ultimately, we believe that Be provides a bridge to the Church and will never be a substitute for it. Much of the Be team attends Gateway Community Church in Webster, TX, however there are many great churches in the area as well. We will be happy to help connect you and strongly encourage engaging in the local church. 


our next be:local event

Galentines extravaganza

We’re having a girls pajama party with sweets and treats, a Galentine movie, devotional from Pastor Betsy Burke, and more surprises! 

Cost: $30 - venmo @jesstyo

When: February 13th at 6:30pm 

Where: Clear Lake